GEPTI Worktop connectors
We have been active in the market for many years. During this time, we have dealt with many topics related to wood. In each of them, we have tried to refine our products and services and make our work easier. This may be due a little to laziness but also to ingenuity. One such product is the GEPTI connector.Connectors for worktops
Co to jest GEPTI? Otóż jest to łącznik dedykowany do łączenia głównie blatów kuchennych (drewniane, laminowane i kamienne) ale również innych materiałów. Dzięki jego zastosowaniu można znacznie przyspieszyć montaż blatów, które łączą się prostopadle (np. w literę „L”, „C”, „U” lub inne). Elementy GEPTI współpracują z typowymi dostępnymi na rynku łącznikami do blatów, które do tej pory wpuszczało się w blat (wiercenie lub frezowanie otworów w blacie). Elementy GEPTI przykręca się do blatu od spodu zatem wiercenie i frezowanie odpada. Do ich montażu potrzebna jest jedynie wkrętarka.Connectors for worktops
What is GEPTI? Well, it is a connector dedicated to joining mainly kitchen worktops (wooden, laminated and stone) but also other materials. Thanks to its use, it is possible to significantly speed up the assembly of worktops that are joined perpendicularly (e.g. in an “L”, “C”, “U” or other shape). GEPTI elements can be combined with typical commercially available worktop connectors, which used to be recessed into the worktop (by drilling or milling holes in the worktop). GEPTI elements are screwed into the worktop from below, so there is no need for drilling or milling. Only a screwdriver is required for installation.With GEPTI, assembly is:
- much faster (speeds up the assembly time from 30min to 300min, only a screwdriver is needed, so there is no need to bring and own additional tools. Thanks to GEPTI, there is no need to remove, fit and re-fit the worktops several times.)
- much easier (only a screwdriver!)
- no drilling required
- no milling required
- no dust/li>
- no risk of damage when removing and fitting the worktops.
Gepti connectors can:
- come in any shape and size, so they can fit all worktop connectors on the market
- be used to create a dedicated system for other applications
- be compatible with conventional screws with metric thread (they must then be turned with their concave sides facing each other)