Custom made table top


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Z Encouraging customers to get in touch – in person, by phone or by email – we have another solution – online ordering of countertops. A special wizard is used for this, which allows you to consider many options. How does it work? Very simply and clearly.  The wizard contains a whole range of modules with additional selection functions. There are  standard options here, which you can navigate through without too much trouble. Most often, what we are interested in when selecting a wooden worktop is its length, width and – importantly – the species of wood from which the worktop is to be made. These first three basic modules give us almost unlimited possibilities – choosing the species and specifying the exact length and width of the worktop. Price and weight This is a kind of online shop. online In which, by making changes to the individual modules, you find out the price and weight of the worktop at the same time. It all appears at the top. And because it’s a real online shop, online , you can make countless changes without having to worry about the salesperson losing patience when answering whether changing the thickness of the worktop will affect the price. Whether it will or not – you’ll find out in seconds. But these are not the only possibilities. Because in the wizard you select the category of wood and the type of glueing. Everything, by the way, is described in detail. There is a kind of legend underneath. All this so that none of the details that will affect the quality of the worktop are overlooked. In addition, we have a visualisation of the choices made on the left-hand side of the wizard. This further ensures that the wood exudes natural beauty. And it is difficult to replace it with anything else.  Online customised worktop  Finally, we decide on the wood finish. The result is a worktop with a natural appearance, environmentally friendly with the possibility of repeated renewal. Warm and stable, hard wearing and, above all, attractively priced. Once all the choices have been made, all you have to do is click – add to cart and the matter is settled. The rest is taken care of. This is probably the simplest way of doing it: ordering a custom-made worktop online is so satisfying. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will answer any questions you may have.  


Class – A/B, B/C Bonding method – AV Hardness/density – 3/4 (high) Stability – 3/4 (high) Finish – raw sharp-edged, preparation for painting, waxing 3 coats ( one from the bottom, two from the top), waxing 4 coats ( two from the bottom, two from the top) AB – no sapwood, minor discolouration and knots healthy and knotted up to 8mm allowed, gloss allowed. Staves/lamellas 40-50mm wide. BC – sapwood, glitter, sound and black grown knots up to 20mm, discolouration and stains allowed, traces of spacers, heartwood and jambs. Staves/lamellas 20-50mm wide AV – glued on finger joints in width and length L (LITY) – glued only in width   PRODUCT BENEFITS: Natural appearance Eco-friendly- FSC Hard-wearing Can be refinished several times to any shape Warm to the touch Stable Attractive price  

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If you are looking for high quality wooden products, we invite you to visit our carpentry shop. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact us in person, by email or by phone. We will be very pleased if you choose our services.

Workshop and office

ul. Ogrodowa 17 05-420 Józefów Warszawa

Showroom and warehouse

ul. Poleczki 29 02-822 Warszawa

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